| Thank You... From Your All-Time Fan ! Send a warm 'Thank You' to your loved ones for all that he does. [ Postcard ] |
| Warm Thoughts 'N Happy Wishes... With this warm ecard wish someone dear a bright 'n special Father's Day. [ Animated ] |
| I'm Real Lucky... Send this warm thought 'n ecard to someone who's always been by your side. [ Flash ] |
| You Stood By Me... Say a warm 'Thank You' to someone special who has always made you feel safe 'n welcome. [ Postcard ] | ||
| You Have Inspired Me... Touch the heart of someone dear as you say thanks to him for all his love 'n care. [ Flash ] |
| Sending A Rose... A beautiful ecard to brighten up your loved one's Father's Day. [ Postcard ] |
Labels: The History of Necktie : the Most Preferred Gift for Father's Day
| Wishing You A Whole New World... With this beautiful ecard fill a new dad's day with laughter 'n love. [ Flash ] |
| You Stood By Me... Say a warm 'Thank You' to someone special who has always made you feel safe 'n welcome. [ Postcard ] |
| A New Dad ! Shower the new dad with lotsa joys 'n happiness as you wish him on Father's Day. [ Flash ] |
| Thank You... From Your All-Time Fan ! Send a warm 'Thank You' to your loved ones for all that he does. [ Postcard ] | ||
| You Have Inspired Me... Touch the heart of someone dear as you say thanks to him for all his love 'n care. [ Flash ] |
| I'm Real Lucky... Send this warm thought 'n ecard to someone who's always been by your side. [ Flash ] |
| Warm Thoughts 'N Happy Wishes... With this warm ecard wish someone dear a bright 'n special Father's Day. [ Animated ] |
| Sending A Rose... A beautiful ecard to brighten up your loved one's Father's Day. [ Postcard ] | ||
| You'd Be There For Me ! Send this beautiful poem to someone dear as you wish him on Father's Day. [ Flash ] |
| My Friend... My Guide ! A warm thought to make your dad feel really special on Father's Day. [ Flash ] |
| I'd Like To Say... On Father's Day say a warm thank you to your near 'n dear one with this cute ecard. [ Flash ] |
| Straight From My Heart... Wish someone special on Father's Day 'n tell him how much he is thought about. [ Flash ] | ||
Labels: Father's Day Poems
Families have their own traditions for Father's Day. In many families, the children will prepare breakfast in bed for Dad. Other families will encourage Dad to spend the day golfing with his own father. Often the children will buy or make a gift for Dad. It really doesn't matter how you celebrate Father's Day, just do something to make your Father feel special.
| Lucky Me ! Reach out to your dad on Father's Day 'n tell him how lucky you are to be his child. [ Interactive ] ![]() |
| Love You Dad ! Thank your dad for all he has done for you. [ Animated ] ![]() |
Homemade Card - A handmade card or note from the heart speaks more of your feelings than the store bought variety.
Home cooking or baking - What's Dad's favorite food or meal? This day is a great opportunity to get the kids involved in learning how to make family favorites. This tradition keeps recipes alive through the generations. Surprise him with something new like Cupcake Cones.
Take Dad out for Dinner - Find out what type of food Dad likes, and take him out for dinner. Did you know that some expensive restaurants have lunch menus that are more affordable?
Create a 'This is your life' Book - interview people who knew your Dad as a child (his mother, brothers, sisters, cousins) and ask them about stories from your Dad's childhood. It's a great way to learn more about your roots, and create a story album of your Dad's memories. Try to find photos or pictures of the places in the stories.
| Support, Strength, Guide... A cute ecard to thank your dad for his guidance 'n support. [ Animated ] ![]() |
| My Strength... My Dad ! Reach out to your dad on Father's Day with this heartfelt ecard. [ Postcard ] ![]() | ||
Have a Games Day - Get together with a few other families and play games. Each family could choose their favorite board game to share, or pick an outdoor game everyone can have fun with like soccer or croquet. Plan a treasure hunt with his Father's Day present at the end of the hunt.
Find out Dad's favorite place and plan a day trip - It could be a local beach, park, or even a sporting event.
Have the kids make him a hat. All you do is get a big sheet of paper, decorate it anyway you like, fold it like a cone and staple. This is not a hat he would wear everyday, but one he can save and wear on occasion.
| Thank You Dad... A warm 'n heartfelt thank you card for your dad. [ Postcard ] ![]() |
| Your Support Means A Lot ! Tell your dad that words are not enough to thank him for his support 'n guidance. [ Postcard ] ![]() | ||
Remember, it's not the price or quality of the stuff you give him or prepare for him, but it's the love, care and respect you attach with them, makes him the happiest.
| Miss You Daddy.. Tell your dad how eagerly you are waiting for his homecoming. [ Animated ] ![]() |
| Happy Father's Day ! A cute ecard to tell your father that he is the best dad. [ Postcard ] ![]() | ||
Labels: Father's Day Activities
Father’s Day was invented by American Mrs. Sonora Smart Dodd whose father had, as a single parent raised his six children. The first Father's Day was celebrated on June 19, 1910.
In spite of the impression you might get from the media, according to the Office of National Statistics, four fifths of children have a Dad at home - eighty per cent of dependent children live with their father.
Three per cent of fathers living with dependent children are lone fathers.
According to greetings card makers Hallmark, Father’s Day is the fifth-largest card-sending holiday.
| Six Packs Of Long Necks For You... Fetch a smile for someone dear on Father's Day with this chilled out ecard. [ Flash ] |
| Dad... It's Just For You... With a whole lotta love say a million thanks to your dad or someone special. [ Interactive ] |
The film ‘Fathers' Day (1997)’ starred Robin Williams and Billy Crystal as two middle aged men who are tricked into finding an ex-girlfriends runaway son when she tells them they are both the father. They have to team up to find the boy and discover who the real father is. The film was a hit due to the big-name cast but was not a critical success.
Marilyn Monroe famously sung Cole Porter’s ‘My Heart Belongs to Daddy’. She did not know who her real father was.
One of the best-know quotes about fathers was from Mark Twain. He said of his Father ‘When I was a boy of fourteen, my father was so ignorant I could hardly stand to have the old man around. But when I got to be twenty-one, I was astonished at how much he had learned in seven years.’
| The Biggest Heart... Tell your dad what makes him the king of the castle with this beautiful ecard. [ Flash ] |
| The Most Hardworking Dad... A cool 'n cute ecard to wish your dad a relaxing kinda Father's Day. [ Interactive ] | ||
The Episode of Dr. Who (played by Christopher Eccleston) entitled Father’s Day involved Rose Tyler (Billie Piper) travelling back in time to the day that her father was killed. She steps in to prevent his death causing the inevitable rent in the space/time continuum. Doctor Who - The Complete First Series Boxset
More from the Office of National Statistics; in 1971 the average age of a father where the birth occurred inside a married relationship in England and Wales was 27; by 1999 this had increased to 31. These days, fathers are generally three years younger where births occur outside marriage. The average age of the father where the birth occurred outside marriage decreased from 28 to 26 between 1971 and 1991 but had since increased to almost 28 again in 1999.
| Choose The Greeting You'd Like... Be a sport 'n make your near 'n dear one's day a super-hit with this cool interactive ecard. [ Flash ] |
| Today It's Your Day... Wish someone dear a Father's Day that's filled with moments of relaxation and fun. [ Flash ] | ||
| Celebrate Father's Day... With this special ecard let your dad/ bro/ uncle/ grandpa choose the virtual fun trip on Father's Day. [ Interactive ] |
| To The Big Guy... With your super cool advice make your dad's or someone's Father's Day a fun filled one. [ Interactive ] | ||
Labels: Father’s Day Facts And Trivia
Essential parenting and baby care books for new fathers.
Should you start saving for college now? Can I really spend quality time with my child when I work all day? This book answers these and other questions dads want to ask about raising a new baby.
Here is an easy-to-read book that offers fun games and activities for dads to initiate with their new babies, as well as helpful advice on feeding and changing.
| Wishing You The Kind Of Day You Love... Make Father's Day a relaxing one for your dad/ someone dear with this lovely ecard. [ Interactive ] |
| Like Father Like Son ! Make your dad feel really special as you reach out to him with a warm thought. [ Flash ] | ||
| You Are Special... Greet your dad/ husband/ uncle/ bro on Father's Day with this sweet ecard. [ Postcard ] |
| Father's Day... Perfect Time To Say... Express how special your dad/ grandpa/ bro/ friend is to you this Father's Day. [ Flash ] | ||
This book explains all those great dad secrets like how to build a kite, how to whittle a piece of wood and how to tie a fly. Each item is described quickly and simply and there are many colorful drawings to accompany the descriptions.
A classic favorite that has recently been updated to include more of the information new dads need. As the title implies, it is organized in almanac format, with indexed information right at your fingertips.
Another in the "Don't Sweat the Small Stuff" series, this book helps new dads find balance and calm when it comes to raising children.
| A Heartfelt Wish... A warm ecard to wish all your dear ones 'Happy Father's Day'. [ Postcard ] |
| I'll Always Be Your Little Girl... Send this beautiful 'n touchy ecard to your dad or someone very special. [ Flash ] | ||
| A Man Of Great Wisdom... On Father's Day, click on this ecard 'n greet someone who's an inspiration for you. [ Flash ] |
| You Top My List... Compliment someone who's a great dad with this beautiful ecard on Father's Day. [ Flash ] | ||
Source : http://dadsandgrads.about.com/od/entertainment/tp/dadbooks.htm
Labels: Top 5 Books for New Dads